Small Quake Shakes Yucaipa


A 3.7 magnitude earthquake struck near Yucaipa on Thursday…The tremor was recorded early evening on Thursday, July 14th, 2022, at 6:19 pm local time, at a very shallow depth of 0.2 miles below the surface…
The event was first recorded by the USGS as part of a series of quakes on Thursday, including a 4.7 shaker 8 miles from Ridgecrest, the site of a huge 7.1 earthquake in 2019…
Based on the preliminary seismic data, the quake was probably felt by many people in Yucaipa-Because it was shallow, and very close to the surface…It should not have caused significant damage, other than objects falling from shelves, broken windows, etc…
In our mobile home here in Yucaipa, the quake was felt felt as light shaking, with no damage at all…So be prepared, the southern branch of the mighty San Andrés fault is 375 years overdue for The Big One: A 7.5 or greater Temblor…

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