Cal ISO Issues Stage 3 Power Emergency


The California ISO has issued an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) 3 Notice for the CAISO Grid,
effective 09/06/2022 17:17 through 09/06/2022 20:00.

The ISO is anticipating high loads and temperatures across the |CAISO Grid.

CAISO is forecasting an energy deficiency with all available resources in use
for the specified time period.

Maximum conservation efforts are urged. During this time, participating
customers will be directed by utilities to use generators approved for
emergencies, or to reduce load following the protocols of each utility program.

Utility Distribution Companies and Metered Subsystems shall stand by for
operating instructions from the CAISO for load curtailments, use of Interruptible
Loads and requests Out-of-Market (OOM) and Emergency Energy from all
available sources.

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