Anti Vaxers Meet Near YPD To Protest State Covid Vaccine Mandates


Earlier this month, California was the first state to issue a coronavirus vaccine mandate for our schools...Governor Newsom said he wants to have all students in 7th through 12th grades vaccinated by next fall once the shots gain final federal approval for everyone 12 and over, and for kindergarten thru 6Th grade to get vaccinated once young children are approved by the FDA and the CDC...   

This led to a statewide school walk out on Monday, October 18Th, by a small, but vocal minority of parents who feel the government is infringing on personal freedoms and liberties, and from Huntington Beach  to Yucaipa, area locals gathered to protest the state mandates...

Here in Yucaipa, the protest was held on Yucaipa Blvd, near the police department area - The same spot where the Pro Trump rallies were held last summer during the national civil unrest after the death of George Floyd...The demonstration was peaceful, with no arrests reported...

I am 63 years old now, and when we were young, vaccines were not 'political', we knew that we would have to get our shots-from Measles to Mumps, Chickenpox to Rubella and Tetanus, just to name a few, if we wanted to attend public school...So what happened? 

Well first, it started with the dawn of the internet era, where miss-information, conspiracy theories, and downright lies run rampant, with the guise of free speech...But, we never had a President of the United States get involved: Until Trump got elected in 2016...

When the Covid Crisis began in March of 2020, Thru social media, and rallies-especially Twitter-The Donald ranted and raved, claiming the 'China Virus' was minor, would go away quickly, and that 'The US had nothing to worry about'...And that we could kill the virus with Bleach, Lysol, and Tanning Beds...His mishandling of the Covid-19 Crisis led to his supporters to think that the outbreak was fake, overblown, or the 'media's fault' that involved bizarre government conspiracy theories to stop his re-election, Etc...

But thankfully our nation came to it senses, and we 'fired him' in the 2020 national elections...So please, everyone: Let's get our kids and ourselves vaccinated, So we can put a end to this pandemic once and for all...Before the next severe variant raises its ugly head...


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