House Of Horror: Turpin Sisters Share The Details Of Their Decades Long Nightmare On ABC's 20/20


With Thanksgiving around the corner, The Turpin siblings are thanking the Riverside Sheriff Deputy who rescued them from their House Of Horrors here in Perris CA, after decades of severe abuse from their own Parents. However, a investigation from ABC News also shows how the system failed them after they were saved, and most of the promises made by Riverside County-And the state of California-Have not been delivered as promised... 

In a two hour show that had Sara and I crying for hours, the sisters tell their horrific story-so unreal, it seems to have came from a fictional horror film...Jordan was 17 years old, four years ago, when she finally jumped out of that window of her home-on a mission to save the lives of her 12 siblings, in a Perris house filled with human feces, garbage, filth and trash-with some children chained to their beds for weeks, clutching an old cell phone that she had found, finally getting the courage to call 911...

For the first time, Police Body Cams show us in detail what Deputies discovered as they entered the home-no search warrant was required, this was a child endangerment call...You see every single space covered in piles of trash, kids so malnourished, their arms were like toothpicks, covered with bruises, and many had not bathed in over a year... 

Riverside County DA Mike Hestrin called this 'The worst, most aggravated child abuse case he had ever seen'...The older children were so malnourished, they looked like teenagers...The parents were arrested, and finally pled guilty to 14 counts of torture, adult abuse, child endangerment, false imprisonment, and more...The were sentenced to 25 years to life in Prison...

We see the origins of the Pentecostal Parents, who excused the decades of terror as 'This is what the Bible tells us'...He was a Aerospace Engineer, she was a stay at home mom who disappeared every day...Some kids were allowed to go to limited elementary school, but were pulled out at 3Rd grade-Never allowed to go to class again...The houses were kept immaculate on the outside, so no one knew the horrors within...

The kids were all transferred to a local hospital, where they were discovered to be so emaciated they could barely walk, some had heart damage due to a lack of nutrients...they had limited language skills, and had little knowledge of the world outside-The kids did not even know what medication was, or what a sidewalk meant...Several had cognitive impairment and neuropathy-caused by prolonged physical abuse...

The story made national - and world headlines at the time-with over $600,000 dollars raised from the public and strangers...But then Part II of the Horror Case began: The failure of the county and state agencies-and foster homes-to properly care for-and even properly house-the family...

ABC News reported that some of the kids were placed in abusive foster homes that were in very high crime areas, that they were not being allowed to access their Trust Funds for clothes, cars, education, and homes-or even food, and some Turpins that were rescued were even homeless at times...  

Per DA Mike Hestrin, who is working to change the system that victimized the siblings once again: "They have been victimized again by the system,and that's unimaginable to me that we could have the worst case of child abuse ever seen, maybe one of the worst in California history, and that we would not then be able get it together to give them basic needs, and basic necessities", he added...

The two hour special concluded with Jordan meeting up-a reunion-with the Riverside County Sheriff's deputy who helped saved the siblings...The DA is working with all of the local and state agencies to ensure that the chain of failures in this case does not happen again...Some of the kids are in college, and or have good jobs and careers...Let us pray that we never see such a horrific case again here in Riverside County...

Question: Do you feel the neighbors, school administrators, the dad's employment, and CPS should have done a better job at protecting this family from their Parents?  Hit the heart button and leave your comments...   

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