Six Years Ago Today, Terror Visited San Bernardino & The Inland Empire


Six years ago today, Terror came to our area...In a story that I covered for Freelance/CNN, two local, home-grown Terrorists from Redlands attacked their own workplace, The IRC Center here in San Bernardino...The attackers, Syed Farook & Tashfeen Malk, targeted their own Department of Public Health training event and Christmas party of about 80 employees: 14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in the biggest terror attack on the U.S since 9/11...Farook was a U.S.-born citizen of Pakistani descent , who worked for the county health department...Malik was a Pakistani -born U.S. Green Card holder...After the shooting, the couple fled in a rented SUV...Four hours later, police pursued their vehicle and killed them in a shootout on San Bernardino Ave, which also left two officers injured... According to the FBI's investigation, the attackers were "homegrown violent extremists" inspired by foreign terrorists groups...They were not directed by these groups and were not part of any terrorist cell or network...FBI investigators have said that Farook and Malik had become radicalized over several years prior to the attack, consuming "Terrorism on the Internet"...Six years later, A memorial to the victims is almost ready...An exhibit at the San Bernardino County Museum  that runs Dec. 2 through 19 will feature models of the “Curtain of Courage” Memorial, the project’s renderings, a timeline of the memorial’s development and a look at the process of Oakland-based designer Walter Hood...San Bernardino Strong, Never Forget! 

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