The Attack On Pearl Harbor - 80Th Anniversary-Dec 7Th, 2021


The bombing was famously dubbed "a date which will live in infamy" by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt...The US declared war on Japan the very next day...With so few Veterans alive now that were on the island on that fateful day in 1941, Historians are worried that the event may fade from history unless steps are taken to remind future generations of the horrors and heroes of that day...My father in law was a POW held by the Japanese for four years in China, after he was captured on Wake Island, so we will never forget...In the end, the U.S. and its Allies won WWII, after two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan...2,390 Americans were killed in the attack on Pearl, but our country and our Allies prevaled in the end, and now Japan and the U.S. are the best of friends...The oldest surviving U.S. veteran of the attack, Ray Chavez, died in 2018 at age 106, according to media reports....So we must never forget the most severe attack on our home soil that was not eclipsed until the September 11 2001 Terror Attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people...People from my Generation have called the 9/11 event 'Our generation's Pearl Harbor'...Rest in Peace our Heros: And please, Never Forget! 

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